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Our Mission

Written by Administrator on 31 January 2014.

The mission of “Green Bridges over the Narew” LGD has been specified in Para. 6 of its Articles. It was originally defined through consultations with the local partners including public institutions, NGOs, and local inhabitants (see: the historical background of LGD) from the three gminas where LGD was initiated (Winnica, Pokrzywnica, Zatory). Consequently, the beginnings of the association can be truly traced back to the need for sustainability and to the willingness of the local population to contribute towards the eco-development of the area concerned.p>

§ 6

The mission of the association is aimed at promoting sustainable development of the gminas making up the poviat of Pułtusk, and of other neighbouring communes. Whenever it is referred to sustainable development of the concerned area, it shall mean development enabling improvement in the life quality for the local population and growth in their wealth, including through:

  • Creation of jobs in the local labour market; and
  • Development of sustainable farming, eco agriculture and agritourism; and
  • Maintenance and preservation of the natural heritage, including agricultural biodiversity; and
  • Efforts to keep the natural environment, in particular that of the River Narew, clean; and
  • Keeping alive the local culture and traditions; and
  • Keeping the countryside in good shape, support and preservation of local sites of historical interest and of the traditional local architecture; and
  • Quality transportation solutions.

This mission will be implemented in line with the principles of partnership and cooperation between local public institutions and NGOs and partners being natural persons, and with increased participation of community members in the local development and decision-making processes.